...So I can't vote in tomorrow's American election. However, this election is something that effects us in Canada almost as much as the Americans themselves.
That is why I cannot stress this enough:

VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE! I don't care who you vote for (*cough*Obama is my choice*cough*), just go do it! Every voice counts, so make yours heard. People have fought and died to have a say in how the country is run, so please don't let their sacrifice be overshadowed by your apathy.
Remember, if you choose not to vote, you had better not complain!
I love how so many canadians are involved in encouraging us americans to vote. I voted last week, which was fast and easy. (OBAMA '08!)
This American voted! OBAMA!!!! :)
I'm American and I Baracked the Vote! :)
yes! Obama won! we are from Norway (in Europe) and almost everybody here love Obama and are talking about how this means so much for the whole world!
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