Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Happy Earth Day!

In honour of Earth Day, I thought I'd share with you a blast from the past. Remember Fern Gully? The early '90s movie starring fairies, a crazy bat, a hunky logger shrunk down to fairy-size, and a creepy pollution-fueled villain? Yeah, you remember it. It was one of my favourite movies as a child, I watched it over and over again, knew most of the lyrics, wanted to be a fairy who lives in the forest, and thought Zak was a dream boat. Here's my favourite scene from the movie:

Happy Earth Day, everyone!


Anonymous said...

i. heart. fern gully.

you just made my WHOLE day.

visiting from writetoreach via her taggy thing.

Shannon Patterson said...

alan loves this movie but I don't think I've ever seen it.

Anonymous said...

I really did freak out in silence when I say this on twitter...

It seems Earth day brings out all the Blasts from the past!! People I havent heard from in years facebooked me today... and everyone in the office (ie 1 person other than me) is getting called from her past too!!


Olga said...

Ah, Fern Gully! Along with Thumbelina, it's one of my favourite 90s animated films.

Lys said...

yes! fern gully! ahhh, childhood!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this movie!!! Thanks for posting it!

me melodia said...

I LOVED this.
Thanks for putting it back on my radar.

Katelin said...

ohmygosh i used to LOVE this movie, love it. granted the bad guy scared the crap of me, but still. so good.

Anonymous said...

Totally forgot how stinkin' awesome this movie is. Love it. :)

ria said...

i need to watch this now, totally forgot about this movie!