Saturday, April 11, 2009

One More Award!

Courtney at Once Upon a Bookshelf gave me this here award a while back. The rules are to list 7 things I love and then to tag 7 people who will play along.

Things I Love:
1. My crazy but endearing cat. He's the main man in my life and I don't know what I'd do without him.
2. My Teddy Bear. His name is Teddy. Yes, I am in my 20s and still have a Teddy Bear... I got him when I had my surgery at 3 years old and he has been everywhere with me ever since.
3. Getting mail. No, not the electronic kind, but real old-fashioned snail mail.
4. This place.
5. My family. I appreciate them more and more every day that I work in the youth shelter. I never knew before how lucky I was.
6. Being from a small town. I used to hate it, but now that I really live in the city, I am glad of where I came from. I am pretty good at acting like a city person (for example, when I ride the subway and don't want people to bother me), but I don't think I'll ever truly be a city girl. I feel most at home surrounded by farmers fields and dirt roads, not by concrete sidewalks and subways.
7. Diet Pepsi. Up until recently, I was a Diet Coke girl, but I've been won over to the dark side and fallen in love with Diet Pepsi. I love the taste, and since I don't drink coffee, I need the stuff to get through my day.

And the award goes to...
1. Karen at The Transformation of Kern
2. Erin at The State That I Am In
3. Ria at & That's The Way Life Goes
4. Jess at Classy in Philadelphia
5. Lily at Lily Speak
6. Ashley at Writing to Reach You
7. Alyssa at How Lucky We Are


LenoreNeverM♡re said...

You know what they say small town usually has a BIGer heart ;)

Erin said...

Awww, thank you! :)

Lys said...

you are the award queen. 3/4 of my awards have come from you, haha :)

i love snail mail. there's no feeling better than when you're not expecting something and you get a letter or a little package from someone you may or may not have forgotten about. it's even better when it doesn't have a return address and you have to guess who it is by the handwriting or content.

i'm so glad i came from a smaller city than new york. the city i grew up in was 60,000 people, so pretty average in wisconsin terms. i definitely don't like the city as much as the open space, and i'm so grateful that i grew up in the midwest rather than in a concrete jungle.

Ashley said...

Thanks Erin! And, everyone needs a teddy bear named Teddy!

CIP said...


EP said...

Congrats on your award, lady! I'm a HUGE fan of snail mail, too! It brightens my day.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I know what you mean about learning to appreciate your family through working with people who haven't been quite so fortunate in the family department. I totally took mine for granted until I worked with some kids with some really sad backgrounds.

And snail mail, oh man, is that ever good.