Thursday, March 5, 2009

Award O'Clock!

Recently, I was lucky enough to recieve not one but two blog awards! Here we go:

I recieved the Honest Scrap Award from Rialeilani!
The Honest Scrap award comes with a caveat or 2. Firstly you have to tell your readers 10 things about you they may not know, but that are true. Secondly you have to tag 10 people with the award.

1) I had surgery on my kidney when I was 3 years old. I still have a giant scar across my side from it. You know that tube that goes from your kidney to your bladder? Well I had an extra one, only it didn't go to my bladder, it went nowhere. Now I have a kidney and 3/4s. The only real thing that means is that I could never donate a kidney. I used to be embarrassed to tell people why I had the surgery, because it meant that I was deformed. Now, I don't care.
2) I have a magazine buying problem. Mostly it stems from my quest to find a replacement favourite magazine post-Jane. Currently, sitting on the floor beside my bed I have: Glamour, Lou Lou, Real Simple, Nylon, and Naked Eye. Still, none of them quite live up to Jane.
3) 3 is my favourite number. Has been forever, no idea why!
4) The past few days, when I have spent a great deal of time sick in bed, Thunder Kitty has started cuddling with my legs. It makes me extremely happy.
5) I feel naked if I'm not wearing a watch. I have worn one every single day since I started being a camp counsellor in... 2002. My parents get me a new one pretty much every year for either Christmas or my birthday. That sounds fancy, but they own a jewellery store, so it's okay.
6) If you follow me on Twitter (@ewalker9), you might remember that I am adopting a turtle. His name is Maurice (named after Marice Starr), and he has been a camp pet since 2001 if I remember correctly. Every year I was senior staff at camp, I took care of him, and even when I didn't work there, I harassed the staff who did into taking proper care of him. One year, way before me, he was left there alone from August to October when someone finally found him. Now, the camp doesn't want him and the girl who was taking care of him is going to Nepal and nobody wants him. So I said that if nobody will take him, I will, because I couldn't stand to let him go homeless, I like the little guy. And so, I am adopting my third pet from camp that nobody wanted (the first being Clark the hamster, now deceased, and the second being Thunder Kitty). I thought my parents were going to kill me, instead they just rolled their eyes. I will properly introduce him when he arrives at my place.
7) I have a small collection (4) of tribal masks on my wall. I both love them and scare the crap out of me. I got my first when I worked at the campus art gallery at university. They have a high-end yard sale every year as a fund raiser, where people donate items to sell to raise money for the gallery. Somebody donated a tonne of African masks, and I loved them. I told myself that if there was still one left on the last day, I would buy it. There was, and I did. After that, I bought 3 more on various Carribbean islands that we stopped at on our 2 cruises. The Carribbean ones are much more friendly looking than the African mask. I will likely collect more on my future travels.
8) This is my least favourite time of year. Winter has long since overstayed it's welcome and excitement, spring is nowhere to be seen, most days are cold and grey, and the snow is dirty looking. I cannot wait for spring to come.
9) I used to name my houseplants. I had Ezra (because I loved the name) and Annabelle and Annabelle 2 (she was a sprout from Annabelle the first).
10) Last night, my friend and I were driving back to my apartment, and in the alley outside of it, a guy flagged us down and asked if we could help him jump his car. I did it, luckily he knew what to do because I didn't even know where the button to pop the hood was at first. We got his car started and he was good to go. I was so happy that my friend was with me though, because I grew up being taught that people in the city are scary and not to be trusted, especially when you are a female alone, so I likely would not have stopped to help or at least I would have been torn about it. It was nice to be able to help him, and cool to see what to do to jump start a car. Also, he had a really nice voice.

Jess at Classy in Philadelphia
Lily at Lily Speak
Carmen at My Life in a Nutshell
at The Holly and the Ivy
Kern at The Transformation of Kern
Heather at EveryyDayy
at How Lucky We Are
Ashley at Writing to Reach You
Ashley at Turquoise Ribbons
EP at Stylish Handwriting

I also received the Arte Y Pico Award (creative blog award) from Ashley at Writing to Reach You! And I would like to give this award to Lily at Lily Speak for having a beautiful blog and being my very first bloggy friend!


Erin said...

I have named both my houseplants, but not so creatively. I have Plant and P.J. (Plant Junior, an offshoot).

Anonymous said...

yay for awards! you had some really interesting things in your list. tribal masks scare me too but they are so intriguing!

Lys said...

hey thanks so much! i wonder if i can think of 10 things nobody knows about me...i'm not as weird as i sometimes wish i was.

i agree about the masks, i don't think i could have them in my room, a little scary.

i also used to name my plants! i had a little jar with a straight and a curly bamboo in it that i had to drive from arizona to wisconsin. my friend and i ended up naming them JP, but i forgot what they stood for...i'll have to think of it.

also also, i'm proud of you for adopting all those animals :)

Kern said...

Holy moly really?? Wowie my first award! haha Thanks. And my real name is Karen but everyone calls me Kern, dunno if that matters but I like to clarify. Anyway awesome on the turtle and watches. I wish I could be a watch girl but I'm so flaky when it comes to accessories.

Ashley said...

Houseplants!! That's what I need. I've been wanting a pet lately, but I don't want the responsibility. I think I could manage a house plant.

Thanks for the award, Erin!

And, don't worry. Everyone survived library tag.

Anonymous said...

First of all, THANK YOU!!! You are too kind, my bloggy friend :)

And second - JANE magazine was the best, and you are correct when you say nothing has ever come close! I have a couple of year's worth of old issues just before they went out of print that I REFUSE to get rid of. :) Maybe they'll be collector's items one day...


CIP said...

wooooo thanks!